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Regrettably the library had been closed and its contents  relocated to the Faculty library.


The Library of the archaeology department had a collection of valuable reference books in the field of classical archaeological studies which was unavailable for public use in general because of the loss of some, After several years the department was thinking to establish a specialized library containing books mentioned earlier, and in indeed the Library has been established as a result of a collective effort by the secretariat of the Department of Archaeology and the encouragement of the Secretary of the Popular Committee for the Faculty of Arts.


The primary goal of the Library was providing the atmosphere for the students of the department in terms of the appropriate place for studying and review in addition to providing all the possible books, references and the means to help them develop knowledge and increase educational attainment.


The books and references were provided through the contribution of the secretariat of the Department and of outside sources till it  gradually become integrated in terms of organization and the number of references and periodicals. The department thanks all those who contributed to building this library and the provision of reference, namely :


1-Center of Libyan Jihad and Historical in Tripoli and Benghazi.

2-Garyounis University central library.

3-Al-Dar Al-Jamahyria for publishing and distribution Benghazi.

4-National Library of Libya.

5-Department of antiquities - Cyrene

6-The center of development and management of the old city of Tripoli.

7-Research Center Green Book Benghazi.

8- The complete Library of martyr Awad Mustapha Sadwya.

9-Staff members and students of the department.

10 - Part of the library of Ali Salim Latrak Najim.

11-Society of Libyan Studies in London.

12-Dr. Mohamed Mabrouk Edweb as secretary of the Popular Committee for the Faculty of Arts.

13-Students and professors from outside the department.


The department library has the leadership in terms of the quantities of books that it possesses compared to the College’s departments’ libraries and it acts as a support and an extension to the college’s library providing the department with appropriate references in the field of archaeology.

The library had individual private tables and collective tables with standard  specification and under suitable reading lighting with the presentation of some antiques and photographs of archaeological sites, moreover, the library is provided with computer for the registration and maintenance of books and servicing all the correspondence, statements and the library is on its way to a modern ways of indexing classification.


In the interest of the independence the Library the department has designated a secretariat to be responsible for all affairs to serve the students, researchers and readers.


The library contains over 1000 books and this number is increasing because many new books arrive to the library frequently.


In addition to books in the field of antiquities and history, the library includes books in the humanities along with other large numbers of Arab and foreign periodicals and rare references.


In recognition of the  family of martyr Awad Mustapha Sadwya for their contribution with his full private library, a special corner has been allocated for these books.

The library officially opened on 18 April 2004, where it was commissioned by Dr. Faraj Alrashdi on the occasion of the World Day of archaeological sites.

Below is a list of some the books  in the library

Books list (1.3 MkB)

Periodicals list (338 kB)

Some clips from the library.